APUSH Final Exam Information
Your final exam for the fall semester is 75 questions. The questions are multiple choice and may include both standard and document based. The document based style are the exact same as the ones you will see on the AP Exam in the spring.
The final is cumulative and covers Units 1-6 (chapters 1-21 in your textbook) which corresponds to Eras 1 through 5 (1491-1877).
A study guide of topics will be attached below in PDF format.
Your final exam for the fall semester is 75 questions. The questions are multiple choice and may include both standard and document based. The document based style are the exact same as the ones you will see on the AP Exam in the spring.
The final is cumulative and covers Units 1-6 (chapters 1-21 in your textbook) which corresponds to Eras 1 through 5 (1491-1877).
A study guide of topics will be attached below in PDF format.
A Google Doc version is posted on Google Classroom on the "Final Exam" Assignment.
Your final exam for the spring semester is TWO tests of 40 questions EACH. The first exam has 40 document based multiple choice questions and will be given during class and is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday May 1st. The second exam has 40 different document based multiple choice questions and will be given during class and is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday May 8th.
Each Spring final exam is cumulative and covers units 1-11 (chapters 1-40 in your textbook and the entire APUSH Framework).
Your final exam for the spring semester is TWO tests of 40 questions EACH. The first exam has 40 document based multiple choice questions and will be given during class and is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday May 1st. The second exam has 40 different document based multiple choice questions and will be given during class and is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday May 8th.
Each Spring final exam is cumulative and covers units 1-11 (chapters 1-40 in your textbook and the entire APUSH Framework).
There is no specific study guide for the exam but check out the AP EXAM REVIEW MATERIALS and the FRAMEWORKS tabs for useful materials.
Be sure to use the AP EXAM REVIEW MATERIALS portion of this website as a study tool for both of the Fall Semester Final Exams and Spring Semester Final Exams as well as the AP Exam itself. In addition, it may be helpful as a study tool for the CLEP exams offered by the College Board. See the College Board website for additional information on those exams. If you choose to print any files, be sure to preview them before printing as some are quite large!
Be sure to use the AP EXAM REVIEW MATERIALS portion of this website as a study tool for both of the Fall Semester Final Exams and Spring Semester Final Exams as well as the AP Exam itself. In addition, it may be helpful as a study tool for the CLEP exams offered by the College Board. See the College Board website for additional information on those exams. If you choose to print any files, be sure to preview them before printing as some are quite large!