PSI & Parent Booster Clubs » Mothers' Club

Mothers' Club

Mothers’ Club was created to both enhance and provide support for the spirit of Bishop Montgomery High School. Mothers’ Club welcomes active involvement from BMHS mothers, fathers, grandparents - all family members for our various events throughout the school year.

- Back-to-School Night
- Black & Gold Lunch
- Undergrad Awards
- Open House
- Annual Christmas Luncheon (December 9, 2023) (more information below)
- Freshman Registration Day
- Senior Luau
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Senior Awards

Why Join?
- Multiple opportunities to fulfill Parent Student Involvement (PSI) hours
- A great way to meet and interact with other BMHS parents of all grade levels
- Campus and BMHS community awareness of events
- Learn about our school and be involved in your student’s education
- Enjoy your time at BMHS and give back to our community


Meetings are held once a month on a Monday at 6:30pm in the BMHS Schneider Retreat Center.

Meeting dates for 2024-2025:
October 7
November 4
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 7
Board & Class Representatives

Each year, Mothers’ Club has openings for volunteer positions. Interested? Please email your full name, email address, cell number and your student’s grade to the Mothers’ Club Co-Presidents (See below.) Five PSI hours per semester are awarded to class representatives, and 10 PSI hours per semester are awarded to board officers provided position requirements are met. 

Co-Presidents: Dawn Noguera & Norma Centeno
Co-Vice Presidents: Mary Ann Kassabgui & Liliana Galvez
Co-Secretaries: Erika Walker & Jeannie Dickinson
Treasurer: Shenne Hahn
Senior Class Representative: Diana Nelson
Junior Class Representative: Shannon Robley
Sophomore Class Representative: Darlene Ayala
Freshman Class Representative: Christina Vaughan-Lahner

Contact Us

Contact the Mothers' Club at [email protected]

  "Like" us on Facebook @BMHSMothersClub 

2024 Mothers' Club Christmas Luncheon & Craft Fair
"A Winter Wonderland"
December 6, 2024  /  11:00am-2:00pm
BMHS Student Activity Center

Questions? email Shannon Robley at [email protected]