Mothers' Club
- Back-to-School Night
- Black & Gold Lunch
- Undergrad Awards
- Open House
- Annual Christmas Luncheon (December 9, 2023) (more information below)
- Freshman Registration Day
- Senior Luau
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
- Senior Awards
Why Join?
- Multiple opportunities to fulfill Parent Student Involvement (PSI) hours
- A great way to meet and interact with other BMHS parents of all grade levels
- Campus and BMHS community awareness of events
- Learn about our school and be involved in your student’s education
- Enjoy your time at BMHS and give back to our community
Meetings are held once a month on a Monday at 6:30pm in the BMHS Schneider Retreat Center.
Meeting dates for 2024-2025:
October 7
November 4
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 7
Each year, Mothers’ Club has openings for volunteer positions. Interested? Please email your full name, email address, cell number and your student’s grade to the Mothers’ Club Co-Presidents (See below.) Five PSI hours per semester are awarded to class representatives, and 10 PSI hours per semester are awarded to board officers provided position requirements are met.
Co-Presidents: Dawn Noguera & Norma Centeno
Co-Vice Presidents: Mary Ann Kassabgui & Liliana Galvez
Co-Secretaries: Erika Walker & Jeannie Dickinson
Treasurer: Shenne Hahn
Senior Class Representative: Diana Nelson
Junior Class Representative: Shannon Robley
Sophomore Class Representative: Darlene Ayala
Freshman Class Representative: Christina Vaughan-Lahner
Contact Us
Contact the Mothers' Club at [email protected] "Like" us on Facebook @BMHSMothersClub
"A Winter Wonderland"
December 6, 2024 / 11:00am-2:00pm
BMHS Student Activity Center
Questions? email Shannon Robley at [email protected]