Speech & Debate Club

Google Classroom Code: b9y1hj
Our Speech and Debate Club is part of the California High School Speech Association and we compete in tournaments that are part of the Western Bay Forensics League. Students in the club have a unique opportunity to enhance their public speaking and research skills, while competing against local schools across the South Bay. Students are taught various styles of debate including Congress, Lincoln-Douglas, and Public Forum. Mandatory meetings are once a week and additional meetings are set after school in order to prepare for tournaments. Tournaments run September through April, always on Saturdays; students are assessed on their research, argumentation, and delivery skills.
*Our meeting times for the 2022-2023 are TBD. Typically, we will meet once a week during lunch and additional meetings will be scheduled for after school to prepare for upcoming tournaments. 


Styles of Debate

Congress: a simulation of the U.S. legislative process in the Senate and the House, students debate a series of bills and resolutions.

Lincoln-Douglas: one-on-one event where debaters argue against one another on a specified resolution.

Public-Forum: opposing teams of two, debate a topic concerning a current event. Debaters present cases, engage in rebuttal and refutation, and participate in a “crossfire” (similar to cross examination), with the opportunity to question the opposing team.