Clubs & Activities » Comedy Sportz Improv

Comedy Sportz Improv

Comedy Sportz is all about improvised comedy based on audience suggestions. So, if you want to perform, make people laugh, use your imagination creatively, or just meet new friends, join Comedy Sportz! Meetings are held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 307. The Comedy Sportz Team participates in the following: - Lunch performances once a month - Attends two all day workshops, with other high schools from all over Southern California, to learn improv games and strategies and watch a professional improv show through the ComedySportz High School league - Has five after school workshops with a professional ComedySportz comedian - Competes in official ComedySportz matches against other local high schools - Competes in the ComedySportz March Madness tournament at the ComedySportz Theatre in Hollywood - Practices and trains to perform several "long forms" (fully improvised 45-minute shows) - Assist in theatre productions by adding improvised elements -Improv matches against teachers or against improv team alumni throughout the year

Upcoming Events:
  • Lunch Show for Health Week - Wednesday, 2/19
  • Workshop with Tom Clark - Thursday, 2/20, from 2:30-4:30
  • Away ComedySportz Game against Peninsula High School - Thursday, 3/20, from 7-9

Everyone is invited to our practices after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays!  They run from 2:30-4:00 / Room 307

Student Representatives: Tayo Adetola, TJ Balaschak
Moderator: Ms. Rudder