Discipline Office » Discipline Office

Discipline Office

To reach any of the following personnel, please dial 310-540-2021 followed by the individual’s extension number:
Dean of Men..........................……………………..........Lee Flores x232
Dean of Women………………………............................Betty Behen x234
Our school exists to promote the development of a faith community in an academic environment. A partnership exists between parents and staff in building this unique community that stresses the value of sound academic learning in a Catholic atmosphere. All of our actions and attitudes must give testimony to this belief, and must be grounded in a strong sense of individual responsibility. The discipline program at Bishop Montgomery High School seeks to promote students' moral development, self-discipline, and growth towards maturity and adulthood. Students must learn to make decisions as individuals and to accept the responsibility of their actions as members of the school community.
Students are expected to model a code of conduct reflecting the school philosophy of Bishop Montgomery at all times; this includes all school events and activities, and extends beyond the physical boundaries of the school.
At Bishop Montgomery High School state law, the Department of Catholic Schools, and the administration and faculty have prescribed certain regulations. Additional regulations may be decided upon by the administration during the school year as situations arise. Additional regulations will be clearly announced to the student body.