Catherine Wilson, M. Ed. » Intro to Art

Intro to Art

Intro to Art is a studio course in which students develop skills in practicing and producing drawing and painting using the basics of elements and principles of art and design. The Elements and Principles of Art will be stressed and explored, and students will study artistic philosophy, art criticism, and art history.


Observational drawing skills will be stressed, and new media and techniques will be introduced. Students will work with various art materials such as charcoal, pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, ink, watercolor, acrylic paint, photography, and printmaking. Students will analyze visual artworks through group and individual written and oral critiques. Students will use sketchbooks to explore the artistic process, experiment with materials, and analyze work. Students will use the studio environment of the class to support analysis, reflection, and refinement of their work. Students will work consistently in class, meet deadlines, develop ideas, create sketches, and prepare materials.