California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
What is CSF and why should I join?
The California Scholarship Federation or CSF is a state-wide organization that recognizes students' academic achievements. It is open to all students who meet the minimum, academic requirements (see Membership section below). Students must reapply for membership every semester by presenting their report card for grade verification and paying the $8.00 dues.
Students who sign-up and qualify for membership to CSF for four semesters in their Sophomore, Junior and Senior years (one semester must be in the Senior year) are declared sealbearers. Sealbearers receive awards at graduation and are allowed to wear the gold CSF cord and lamp pin at Commencement exercises. Students who sign-up and qualify for all six semesters receive an additional honor of being a 100% member.
Freshmen may apply for CSF during their first semester at Bishop Montgomery by proving membership in CJSF from their previous school. This is usually verified by showing their diploma with the gold CJSF seal affixed on it. Freshmen are considered “honorary” members until they have received grades at the high school level.
The California Scholarship Federation or CSF is a state-wide organization that recognizes students' academic achievements. It is open to all students who meet the minimum, academic requirements (see Membership section below). Students must reapply for membership every semester by presenting their report card for grade verification and paying the $8.00 dues.
Students who sign-up and qualify for membership to CSF for four semesters in their Sophomore, Junior and Senior years (one semester must be in the Senior year) are declared sealbearers. Sealbearers receive awards at graduation and are allowed to wear the gold CSF cord and lamp pin at Commencement exercises. Students who sign-up and qualify for all six semesters receive an additional honor of being a 100% member.
Freshmen may apply for CSF during their first semester at Bishop Montgomery by proving membership in CJSF from their previous school. This is usually verified by showing their diploma with the gold CJSF seal affixed on it. Freshmen are considered “honorary” members until they have received grades at the high school level.
For more information on CSF, please visit the official CSF website.
Students must apply for membership at the beginning of each semester. Membership is determined by the grades earned in the preceding semester, i.e. Fall 2020 membership is earned with Spring 2020 grades. The minimum, academic requirements for membership are:
10 points from the following scale:
See the CSF Lists I, II, and III for approved courses
10 points from the following scale:
A = 3 CSF points*
B = 1 CSF point*
C = 0 CSF points
D or F in any course, even if not counted for CSF, disqualifies the student from membership
*1 extra point for an A or a B in an AP or Honors-designated course, not to exceed two such points per semester
- 4 (Four) of the 10 (ten) points must come from List I courses.
- 7 (Seven) of the 10 (ten) points (including the four List I points) must come from List I and II courses. Of course, all seven points may come from List I.
- The last 3 (three) points may come from any list.
- Only 5 (five) courses (or 25 credits) may be used to earn the 10 (ten) points.
See the CSF Lists I, II, and III for approved courses
If you qualify for CSF membership, please click on the application link above in the navigation bar.
Please keep in mind, only BMHS student gmail accounts may access the CSF application form. Any late applications turned in after the deadline will not be considered for CSF membership.
CSF members also offer tutoring to Bishop Montgomery students after school. Email Mr. Hong for more information at [email protected].