Amy Traxler

Bishop Montgomery is a wonderful place. I have had the privilege of teaching here for 28 years. Throughout those years, I have taught various subjects within the Math Department, but if pressed, I would have to admit that Honors Algebra I is my favorite class to teach- newly minted freshmen who are eager to learn and nervous about the unknown adventure of high school.
Before coming to Bishop Montgomery High School, I taught at St. Lawrence Brindisi in Los Angeles where I was the junior high math and science teacher. 
Currently, I teach one class of Honors Algebra 1 and hold the position of Events & Communications Coordinator. As with many of us in Catholic education, this "title" comes with many hats- weekly school-wide emails, events large and small, shadow program coordinator; just to name a few. I am the head boys' and girls' swim coach as well. 
I have made many good friends over the years here, and I consider myself blessed to be part of this community.