Rev. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. Visits BMHS

Torrance, CA (April 22, 2013): On Friday, April 19, Bishop Montgomery hosted renowned philosopher, educator, author, and speaker Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. at a faith formation day for the faculty. Bishop Montgomery's faculty was joined by their colleagues from St. Joseph's HS (Lakewood) and Mary Star of the Sea HS.

Father Spitzer is founder and currently active as President of the Magis Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to public education concerning the complimentary relationship among the varied disciplines of physics, philosophy, reason, and faith. He is also the Chief Education Officer of the Ethics and Performance Institute and the President of the Spitzer Center of Ethical Leadership. 

From 1998 - 2009, Father Spitzer served as the President of Gonzaga University. Prior to his retirement from that position, he taught at Saint Louis University, Georgetown University, and Seattle University.

At the faith formation day, held in Bishop Montgomery's Student Activity Center, Father Spitzer spoke to the faculty about three topics.
  1. How modern cosmology bears witness to a moment of creation;
  2. How we are more than just matter; how Near-Death Experiences help us obtain a different perspective on our lives; 
  3. How these different perspectives change our view of what happiness is and how they help us deal with suffering.
"What I liked about the day was that he [Father Spitzer] explained that whether we are talking about science or happiness or suffering, faith and reason go hand-in-hand in helping us understand how to live our lives more fully," said veteran BMHS religion teacher Rick Egan.

For more information about Father Spitzer, the Magis Institute, and some of the topics he covered at the Faith Formation day, visit the Magis Center of Reason and Faith at