Senior Baccalaureate Mass: Wednesday, May 27

Dear Bishop Community,
It is with great joy I invite you to livestream the Senior Baccalaureate Mass for our 2020 Seniors this Wednesday, May 27th at 7 p.m. This is the last Mass of the school year and is dedicated to our seniors. It is being filmed at American Martyr’s Church Hall with some of our students and faculty as lectors and musicians for the liturgy. We are especially honored to have our presiding priest be Fr. Jim Clarke, who is the uncle of senior student Joshua Clarke. 
A very special thanks goes to Mr. Gabe Hernandez who has put together a beautiful liturgy and has some great musicians sharing their gifts. What a great way to join as a community in prayer for our resilient Class of 2020. All are encouraged to watch our live liturgy. Thank you. 
The link to the livestream (which will begin on May 27th at 7 p.m.) is below and will also be on both Bishop social media and the school website. May God bless you and keep you safe!
Ms. Hendry
Director of Campus Ministry