
As many know the word liturgy means “from the people” or “work of the people.”  In short, liturgy is our way to give expression to the thought and desires of our hearts.  It is our worship to God and our gathering together as a community to pray, to listen, and to support each other in and with the Body of Christ. 

At BMHS every morning begins with morning prayer in our chapel at 7:45 AM. The campus ministry class proclaims the Word.  Our morning praise is to give us a focus for the day.  We begin our day in prayer and worship and then go about our work of study, of learning, and of teaching. 

Approximately once a month we gather as an entire community for Mass. Mr. Gabe Hernandez plans and organized the Masses. They are led by various classes and/or clubs.  These Masses are key times in the life of every Bishop student.  It is at these times that we celebrate main events such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Catholic Schools Week, Lent, Easter, etc. Local priests join us to help us to celebrate Eucharist!  These liturgies are prayerful, motivational celebrations of our unity.  As a faith community, we take seriously Jesus’ words:  “Where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in their presence."

Reconciliation and Penance Services are offered each semester during Advent and Lent.

Morning Chapel Schedule
Prayer begins at 7:45 a.m. in the chapel across from the front main office.

Chapel services are not held on lab day mornings or late starts.