Scholarships » Nancy & Peter Piechocki Memorial Scholarship

Nancy & Peter Piechocki Memorial Scholarship

The Nancy & Peter Piechocki Memorial Scholarship is named in memory of past BMHS parents Nancy & Peter Piechocki. In addition to being a parent of children who graduated from BMHS, Nancy was a longtime employee of the school. The scholarship provides tuition assistance to deserving students who have a financial need.
How to Apply
There is no application process for this scholarship. Funds are awarded by BMHS to eligible students.
Make a Gift to the Scholarship
All gifts to BMHS and this scholarship are tax-deductible. BMHS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID # 95-2005811.

If you would like to make a gift to this scholarship, there are several ways to donate.

Checks should be made payable to "Bishop Montgomery High School" and mailed to:
Bishop Montgomery High School
Advancement Office
5430 Torrance Boulevard
Torrance, CA 90503
**Please write "Piechocki Scholarship" on the memo line.

Credit Card
Bishop Montgomery accepts gifts via credit card. These gifts can be made by calling the Advancement Office at 310-540-2021 ext. 246. BMHS accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Secure Online Gift
Bishop Montgomery accepts gifts through our website. You can make a secure gift online by completing the form below and selecting the "Piechocki Scholarship" when prompted where to designate your gift.