The Palos Verdes Resale Endowment
The Palos Verdes Resale Endowment in Honor of Fran Donohoe Pitts '67 was established in 2009 in honor of Fran Donohoe-Pitts, a 1967 BMHS graduate and the founder and guiding force of the Palos Verdes Resale Shop. Fran passed away on February 10, 2012. The endowment provides an annual scholarship of $1,000 to a BMHS graduating senior, who is actively involved in Christian service, and is to be used for their college tuition. Since the PV Resale Shop opened its doors in 2004, it has donated over $2 million dollars to worthy non-profit organizations in the South Bay and Greater Los Angeles community. Through the years, Fran and all the members of Palos Verdes Resale have remained true models of Christian charity-in-action. We are proud to be associated with Palos Verdes Resale.
How to Apply
There is no application process for this scholarship. Funds are awarded by BMHS to eligible students.
There is no application process for this scholarship. Funds are awarded by BMHS to eligible students.
Make a Gift to the Scholarship
All gifts to BMHS and this scholarship are tax-deductible. BMHS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID # 95-2005811.
If you would like to make a gift to this scholarship, there are several ways to donate.
Credit Card
All gifts to BMHS and this scholarship are tax-deductible. BMHS is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID # 95-2005811.
If you would like to make a gift to this scholarship, there are several ways to donate.
Checks should be made payable to "Bishop Montgomery High School" and mailed to:
Bishop Montgomery High School
Advancement Office
5430 Torrance Boulevard
Torrance, CA 90503
*You may also use the remit envelope found in every issue of Veritas magazine.
**Please put "PV Resale Scholarship" on the memo line.
**Please put "PV Resale Scholarship" on the memo line.
Credit Card
Bishop Montgomery accepts gifts via credit card. These gifts can be made by calling the Advancement Office at 310-540-2021 ext. 246. BMHS accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
Secure Online Gift
Bishop Montgomery accepts gifts through our website. You can make a secure gift online by clicking here and typing "PV Resale Scholarship" for your gift designation.
Bishop Montgomery accepts gifts through our website. You can make a secure gift online by clicking here and typing "PV Resale Scholarship" for your gift designation.